Seeing the Future You Want and Getting It

We all seek answers to the questions that life poses but it is not possible to find a good answer if you haven’t been asked a good question.

We are often looking for answers around what we already know, not what we don’t know.

We are often looking for answers around what we already know, not what we don’t know so good coaching questions help shine a light in the dark corner of the person’s mind – helping discovery of unexplored timeframes, ideas and resources.

When we are given the opportunity to “see” ourselves living our ideal future, we are twice as likely to engage in the first step towards achieving that goal

So where to get started?

Of course, the most powerful coaching question we can ask ourselves is “What do you want…” (in your life right now, …to change, …for your ideal future?) but what we often forget to do immediately after that is to help put ourselves in that ideal future – experiencing it as though we are there, like playing our own beautifully directed Netflix series back to ourselves.

We can do this by asking some future-focused questions.

Asking powerful future focused questions is the quickest way to get ourselves there! 

Once you have a goal or aspiration in mind, visualize your ideal future in as much detail as possible. Here’s 5 questions you can try to bring the picture to life:

  1. Now that I have established the goal when would I like to achieve this?

  2. If I were to pursue this goal or opportunity what do I think life would look like at that future time?

  3. Imagine I am there and have achieved this goal. Where exactly am I, what can I see and hear, who is with me?

  4. Visualise a typical day in your new future – what are you doing? What is bringing you joy and satisfaction?

  5. What one step can you take now to start moving towards your ideal future?

When we are given the opportunity to “see” ourselves living our ideal future, we are twice as likely to engage in the first step towards achieving that goal – asking powerful future focused questions is the quickest way to get ourselves there!  future focused questions is the quickest way to get ourselves there!