Coach Training

Coaching unlocks a person’s potential so that they can maximise their personal and professional growth.

If you are thinking of a career change and want to help others to be their best, and get an abundance of clients then obtaining an accreditation in coaching is essential. Not only will it give you the skills and techniques in the art and science of coaching, but it will also give your personal coaching brand credibility and standing in the market. When you train with the ICC you are obtaining a globally recognized qualification whilst also being able to market yourself as a coach on the international website. With more and more coaching being delivered remotely using online platforms, this increases your market significantly.

Powerful and effective coaching helps individuals to develop self-discipline, improve self-awareness and create inner motivation. Potential is fully unlocked when coaching becomes the leverage to people engagement and performance management. When your people raise awareness and take responsibility for their own pathway, you start to see the potential of what you can achieve together – a coaching culture becomes your competitive advantage.

For organisations, training people in coaching is now seen as an important strategic decision as more engagement surveys are indicating people’s desire to work with managers and leaders who have the ability to coach effectively.

When people’s potential is at its greatest, the whole team, business unit and organisation benefits.